The family of the President who received the Saradambe vision

1 min readOct 11, 2021

President Ramanatha Kovind visited the Sringeri Sharadambay temple on Friday to pay homage to the family. Thereafter he met the dual sri and blessed.

Sringeri A-9: President Ramanatha Kovind visited the Sringeri Sharadambay temple on Friday to pay homage to the family. Thereafter he met the dual sri and blessed.

The Sringeri Korakkalu Helipad arrived in Sringeri by helicopter at 11:55 am on Friday. At this time, the elephant, horse and orchestra were welcomed with the full moon as a result of Srimath’s. Later, his wife, Savita, along with his daughter Swathi, first visited the darshan of Saradambe and performed special worship. He then took part in the Navratri festival for a while and received the Sharda Prasada. After watching Shakti Ganapathi, Sakaladevatamantapa, Sarnasamsa and chariots in the interior of the temple, the Jagadguru Sreebharati Theertha Mahaswamiji and Jagadguru Srividhushekharabharti Swamiji at 12:55 pm in the pulpit. Blessings of dual srihas were received by offering pushas. The President then visited the Advaita Research Center near Narasimhava’s residence and observed the ancient texts. He then left for Sringeri around 4:11 am on a special flight to Mangalore.




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